Apprenticeships Offered

Offering apprenticeships available to all to all of Wales

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Welsh Government Apprenticeships for the Fire and Security Industry (FESS)

The apprenticeships are available to anyone in Wales, irrespective of location, and are the only Fire & Security apprenticeships that are on the Welsh Government apprenticeship framework.

This means that all costs for the education of the apprentice will be met by Welsh Government.

The employer may commence employment at any time; however, their formal education starts in line with the academic year.

The apprenticeship is 2 ½ Years duration, on a block release structure, where the apprentice attends training for one week in five.

The qualifications that they will attain are as follows:

EAL Level 3 Diploma in Providing Electronic Fire and Security

EAL Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Providing Electronic Fire and Security Systems

  • Understand health, safety and environmental considerations.
  • Electronic principles
  • Understand how to plan and oversee electrical work activities.
  • Introduction to networking and signalling principles for electronic security or fire detection and alarm systems
  • Understand the engineering principles in the design and installation of a fire detection and alarm systems.
  • Understand inspection, testing, commissioning and handover for fire detection and alarm systems.
  • Testing, commissioning, and handover of systems
  • Rectifying faults on electronic equipment and systems

Numeracy and literacy skills are also tested with subsequent support provided as necessary, which will also result in accredited and nationally recognised certification. Learners that have previously achieved Maths & English at the required level within maths and English in school or have an NVQ in another field of work and can produce Essential Skills Certification will be exempt from this process.

These qualifications will be supplemented with others such as:

  • EAL Level 1 Health and Safety

ECS FESS Gold Card Accreditation will also be available through FITA and completion of the apprenticeship will also allow professional registration (eng tech) with the IET or IFE.

Should you have any questions, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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